I can’t wait to build my own starship. Actually, that’s one thing that I’m both excited about and worries me.

I mean, back in the days, playing Kingdom Hearts, I spent more time building / improving my Gummy ship than playing the actual game. Many dozens of hours. So I’m kind of excited, and I hope I won’t go too far into that rabbit hole with Starfield.

Also, with a game of this scale, sometimes I end up getting tired of all the sidequests, things to visit on the map, etc. I mean, after 120 hours I kinda need closure. But that’s mainly when all that’s left doing is redundant (think Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy…).

So I hope building and improving the spaceship is fun and that I don’t get tired of playing.

What about you?

  • d3Xt3r@lemmy.nz
    2 years ago

    I mean if Starfield has a similar kind of sandbox nature and modding capabilities as Skyrim, then I guess I won’t be making any progress on the main quest, just like Skyrim.

    • cecilkorik@lemmy.ca
      2 years ago

      Skyrim’s main quest had dragons in it, so that was kind of like a secret spice but it was still really hard to avoid getting distracted by sidequests, and I suspect Starfield will be even worse. (Unless… space-dragons?)