I have not enjoyed wrestling since he’s been back. All In was the first PPV I didn’t but since AEW started because I am just so unexcited for the show knowing there’s such toxins shit going on. I know I might be in the minority here because people seem to like CM Punk for whatever reason, but he makes omen of my favorite things so much less enjoyable. I only watch stuff when I hear that a specific match was really good now

  • GeekFTW
    810 months ago

    I was open to Punk when he came back. I know all his WWE problems but he also had a rough deal so when he arrived in AEW I figured ya know what? Fuck it, clean slate, he’s back, he seems willing to do the work, let’s give it a go.

    The second that scrum happened I no longer gave a shit about seeing CM Punk, and every tid-bit that comes out since then of him getting into someone elses face over this and that just add’s another nail to the coffin.

    • TommySalami
      710 months ago

      Yeah, same. I was in a wrestling hiatus during his WWE run, so I don’t really have any strong feelings towards his work. I get he is a big deal for lots of folks. And I do like the fact he doesn’t shy away from social causes. But jeezus. I’m still stuck on how upset he apparently got about Hangman’s vague dig. Like, unapproved comments are supposed to be a huge part of your career, dude.

      • Montagge
        410 months ago

        I didn’t see his ROH or WWE run. He was an unknown wrestler that people, for the most part, spoke highly of. Now I just don’t care what he’s doing. The locker room crap is unamusing as I’ve worked with people like that, and it’s horrid. His in ring abilities are lacking. His promos aren’t bad though, but I just can’t be bothered to care about what he’s doing.

    • I'm A Different Bird
      10 months ago

      I was pretty down on Punk since the whole situation with Colt hit, but he won me back after he came to AEW just because he was so good. And then the scrum happened, and I’m firmly in camp fuck that guy.

    • Neon_Carnivore
      310 months ago

      I’ve made my feelings clear, but I don’t think I ever really explained why I’m anti-Punk.

      It’s not because of his political or social views, I’m pro-choice, support trans rights, and am a proud member of a labor union.

      It’s got nothing to do with anything that happened behind closed doors, we’ll likely never really know how “Brawl Out” went down.

      I’m anti-Punk 100% because of the “gripebomb” at the All Out media scrum. If I had done what Punk did, publicly insult the leadership of the company signing my paychecks, on a stage for all the world to see, I’d have been fired before even getting up out of that damn chair and tossed out with my mouth still full of muffin. But, Punk? That asshole basically got his own show. Proving that we live in different worlds. CM Punk is not my voice, he’s a celebrity diva that needs to check his privilege.

      If you’d like to hear a similar story, ask me how I feel about Will Smith.

      • TellumSiege
        210 months ago

        If you’d like to hear a similar story, ask me how I feel about Will Smith.

        Don’t tell me he slapped you too.

          • TellumSiege
            10 months ago

            I’m sorry. My doors always open if you need to vent.

            I don’t know if it’ll help but there’s a rumour going around saying someone new is gonna join the Bang Bang Gang tonight. Spoiler alert.

            Hope that news cheers you up.

  • @[email protected]
    510 months ago

    Punk already hogged the spotlight to 2 PPVs because of his drama. Whether intentional or not it’s not cool to the other folks who worked hard for it.

    If he can’t handle a locker room that’s going to talk shit then he most definitely should walk.

  • TellumSiege
    510 months ago

    Don’t let it ruin your enjoyment of the product. All-In was incredible. You need to catch it despite the Punk stuff.

    And I’m still open to the idea that this is a work/shoot-turned-work. If anyone’s seen Tales From the Territories (or anything where old-school wrestlers talk about the trade), you’ll know the one thing that puts a massive smile on their faces is when they talk about working the fans. Those guys beam like children whenever they tell those stories. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if twenty years from now we see TK, Punk, Matt and Nick Jackson sitting around a table, laughing their asses off about how they got us all.

    At the end of the day, everyone involved in this is a carny. Including the “journalists.” They all want attention and drama like this gets it.

    • Montagge
      310 months ago

      I’ll be god damned if I let that turd of a human being ruin my enjoyment of AEW

    • HelloThere
      310 months ago

      If it’s a work, it’s bottom of the barrel, like WCW in 2000.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        If it’s a work, it’s the most effort anyone has ever put into putting me off their own product.

    • Neon_Carnivore
      210 months ago

      The biggest advantage I have in not being able to watch AEW until the morning after is that I can skip Pepsi Phil’s segments.

    • @[email protected]OP
      110 months ago

      I really wish I could not let it hurt my enjoyment of the product but I just have no desire to watch when that guy is such a big part of the show. I was actually looking at the card for All In to see what matches were happening because I wanted to try to get back into it. But then I saw that CM Punk had a match and also there was some storyline of him pretending to be champion. So that tells me that they were eventually going to have him in the title picture again. So I lost interest. Why get invested in a story if you know they are going to make it worse later? It may indeed be a shoot turned into a work, but I don’t have any desire to see CM Punk be beat in a match. I just don’t want to see him at all.

  • @[email protected]
    210 months ago

    Honestly, it’s dulled the lustre of FTR by association. Their match at All In felt kind of irritating, and not because of the bucks this time.

    I don’t even care if Perry started it, Punk threw the first punch and always seems to.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Excuse the pun, but given the many lessons of other friendships that have been permanently burnt in the past its kinda surprising they’ve gone All In on being pals with him.

    • @[email protected]OP
      110 months ago

      Yeah, same. And it’s so fucking dumb that anyone would care that Perry started it. He started an argument. An argument is not an invitation to start a fight. If you’re so much of a baby that you can’t stop yourself from hitting people who say things that hurt your feelings, you don’t need to be calling yourself a locker room leader or working in a job that requires so much trust in other people helping keep you safe