Exciting moving forward, hopefully it leads to display port being standard on Android

  • @noneabove1182OP
    51 year ago

    That said, when I plug my Sony into a dock with display port, it does forward my display… so is this actually new or new pixel?

    • M-Reimer
      41 year ago

      It is new to Pixel. Unfortunately only a few (mostly expensive) phones have display support on the USB C port. For example the more expensive Samsung phones have it.

      I used to use this feature a lot on my Samsung S5. Was super handy to just carry the adapter cable in my suitcase when staying at a hotel. Easy way to watch streams in my hotel room. Almost any TV in hotels has a free HDMI port to connect to.

      • @noneabove1182OP
        21 year ago

        ahh okay interesting, well hopefully with it being in Pixel that means that mainline android might get some features that support using it, and for manufacturers like sony and motorola that mostly just keep clean mainline android, maybe we’ll get some cool developments :)

    • partial_accumen
      11 year ago

      Pure speculation on my part, but this could be a big part to replacing a Phone + Chromebook for computing and connectivity with just a Phone. This is a concept I really like.

      There have been a few early attempts at this in past. The Asus Phonepad comes to mind.

      With a setup like this you don’t need any kind off mobile hotspot, because the thing providing the hotspot would be the thing where you’re doing your computing.