Is it possible to get a nice looking overlay? Like this one:,-6.422436&placeName=Isle of Lunga
Ecosia Maps are using OpenStreetMap but the definition is so much more pleasant to look at. OpenStreetMap or Organic Maps are a lot more…technical.
Hey there Coach, happy to see a fellow Ecosia user in the wild!
This map seems to be using Mapbox Streets for its’ style featuring vivid colors.
OSM has plenty of styles you can use. Here are some interesting ones that I found so far:
Toner is my favorite of these, as well as Dark Matter for mapping in the dark.
Though using them depends if they are integrated using Mapbox as we are relying on the configuration of the applet to provide these styles.
Hiya, thanks for that. Is there any way of importing these render styles to OSM app?
Did you figure this one out?
Unfortunately no