no need to write an essay or anything

some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don’t know what’s serious and what’s irony

  • Trump is a grotesque monster, but he’s hated by libs not for vile actions, but because he was rude. We don’t value civility here, so we can laugh at him when he’s funny, but he and every living American president deserves to be tried in The Hague

      1 year ago

      See, this is why I don’t trust y’all. How can you pretend to be leftist when to you the fundamental difference between Trump and any other political administration is literally just that he’s rude.

      How is it that nothing else, from the rights of workers and of oppressed minorities to the protection of the environment to access to health care and education, means anything?

      If none of that means anything more than being rude or not, you’re not a leftist. You’re a cosplayer.