That’s not why I posted this here, though:

The government will also probe the possibility of outlawing the political use of certain symbols, including the swastika as used by Nazi Germany as well as the hammer and sickle that appeared on the former Soviet Union flag.

🇫🇮 🔥 hitler-detector

  • quarrk [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The food thing sticks out to me because growing up, my parents were strict about my eating habits and subtly negged me about it. I was afraid to be caught grabbing a snack and felt shameful if they saw me eating outside the primary meals. It is amazing that I don’t have an eating disorder today — I simply brute forced their acceptance of my eating habits with pure angst in my teenage years. I’ve always had a healthy bodyweight and my parents were both obese, so it was easy to decide they didn’t know shit about nutrition.

    Agree on the individualism stuff too, I’m definitely sensing that here. Still learning the culture though.