Have any queer vibes to share? Here’s your place! hexbear-pride

Talk about what’s happening queerly in your life - like coming out, getting HRT, questioning, and all that good stuff.

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  • done [she/her]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago
    Im pissed af at norway (vent/rant incoming)

    for being a transphobic state that forces me to choose between being deported and getting to exist. My friend (who was almost killed by NBTS cause theyre fucking incompetent assholes who would rather a trans person die than admit that they made a (small) mistake) says that once ive changed my legal gender i can demand estrogen from my normal doctor (bypassing NBTS), but i still need to look at the law to see if thats correct, plus changing my legal gender is a huge complicated mess cause it involves two states that dont cooperate at all, and i think the doctor can just straight up refuse to perscribe cause theyre “not knowledgeable enough” or “uncomfortable”. Fuck you norway you sack of shit fuck you fuck you fuck you. If you valued trans bodies half as much as cis bodies you would have addressed this years ago. But fuck, you just dropped forced sterilization as a requirement for gender change in 2016, and voted against apologizing to the victims of your eugenicist inspired policies. parliament is obsessed with “letting the experts make decisions in their field” but the field of trans healthcare is captured by terfs, transphobes, and hateful shitfucks who want help us by forcibly assimilating us into their gender hegemony just on the other side from our AGAB.

    I dont know how relevant all that is, im exhausted and upset and probably not super cogent/on top of shit rn.

    Im just tired of cis (and even some other queer people) saying its not that bad

    or worse espousing norway as some great place for trans people. I mean, sure, i just get laughed at instead of murdered when im out on the streets, but thats not an idicator of an accepting society or a good place for trans people.