theory is just for teaching myself new ways to not like media i used to by showing how it’s reactionary propaganda, praxis is when i don’t consume bad media, political education is complaining to my irl friends about them liking reactionary liberal idealist media, Marxist Leninism is when no one is allowed to enjoy anything or have fun ever again (Maoism is the exact same except that Bruce Lee films are allowed)

  • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Snnnnnnnnnniiiififfffffffff! Ve are all eating out of ze trash can of ideology. Sniiif. Ze true revolutionary position is to learn to love ze taste of trash, to savour it as it flows down ze gullet; even as you point out to everyone around you zat you are all eating trash. And sho on, and sho on. zizek-theory