
Kawartha has this salted caramel truffle flavour I fucking miss so bad from when I lived in Ontario, or that PC Black label bourbon vanilla is soo good if I actually go to (local Loblaw’s variant, not doxxing myself) but usually I go to Sobeys cause it’s closer so I get stuck with regular Chapman’s or Haagen-Dasz which is fine but it’s just not really the same but I don’t wanna go all the way to (city redacted) just to get an ice cream because why would i do that. Anyways, what’s your guyses’s favourite ice cream. Gimme some suggestions available in canuckistan or stuff to try when I visit the US.

  • ratboy [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Haha dang you bringing up Tofurkey in that context is real. I remember eating tofurkey like 14 years ago and it was soooo gross but years later the Italian Sausagr they make became a staple in my house and still is, and I’m an omnivore.

    I tried the Avocado smoothie at an Asian restaurant I was eating at a while ago. I feel like I’ve seen them on Vietnamese and Thai menus a lot, so I think sweet Avocado preparations have been around for a long time. I know I’ve definitely gotten weird looks when I’ve told people about them though so I agree I don’t think it would be the first thing to have a someone skeptical to Veganism try for sure