Pyramid Lake is now a fully autonomous collective in Nevada. Hexbear users are sitting in their nice, air-conditioned, bedrooms while actual workers are out there building community support during a disaster. They are pooling resources, rationing, and helping one another survive. I thought the point was to have support, albeit critical, for AES, but I guess not. Burning Man is closer to Marx’s ideal socialist state than China ever will be.

Can we just defederate from them already? What is the point in continuing to exist with people who actively spew hatred and misinformation about our comrades in Nevada?

  • In addition to what others has said its worth noting that there’s a level of irony to the fact that people who go to burning man tend to be wealthy young people who go to engage in a drug fueled hedonistic play at anarchism and community before returning to their lives of every day imperial excess. But when their pseudo community encounters any adversity they panic and wreck their dads rv fleeing to safety. Its funny to see their hypocrisy exposed, much like many people felt about fyre festival.