If you have claimed your instance and you’d like someone to guarantee that you’re not spam, please use this page
If you want to see who needs a guarantee and help them out, please visit this page. First check that the instance is not obvious spam of course ;)
Great, thank you! Is it possible to get a list (in the format of tge allow instances option) of all the instances in the whitelist?
I’m using your pythonwrapper to get the latest posts and scan their wording for duplicate patterns and I’m using the “alt- profanity-check” library (which I want to update to allow it to scan more languages) to detect swearing and slurs.
Oops I’ve responded using my main admin account.
Certainly: https://fediseer.com/api/v1/whitelist?endorsements=0&guarantors=1&csv=true
Remember however that we’re still building up the list. I wouldn’t use it for a whitelist just yet as it’s very limited
Great :). While it is still limited, I am able to make a small not the synchronize with the list.
Great! Hopefully you can help expanding it. Just guarantee your favourite instances no matter how small.