I have an ender 3 v2, upgraded the springs/leveling knobs, and slapped on an auto leveler. I do really enjoy the printer, but I’ve found between work and raising a toddler I just don’t have the time to tinker like I thought I would. I assumed I would need to do general maintenance, but mostly be able to just print things fairly regularly. Seems I mostly just re-level this printer and barely get to actually print things.
What I’m wondering is if the P1P is as “tinker free” as it is marketed. I don’t mind maintenance, cleaning and all that, but do want to be able to have an idea and just kick off a print job.
Thanks in advance, I could just be leveling it crappy all the time too. Wouldn’t surprise me if I am just missing some critical information or something on how to level and keep it leveled.
We just bought a Bambulab X1 Combo for our print farm, and we are posting videos about it: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/harald-schmid-13a56297_unboxing-bambulab-x1-combo-with-ams-activity-7072593075520303104-4K4-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios