Clashes erupted in Sweden’s third largest city after an anti-Muslim protester set fire to the Quran, police said Monday.

    • @Mellow12
      010 months ago

      What if that simple “book” is viewed as the sacred words of a prophet of the largest religion in the world? Does that change the perspective a little?

        • @Mellow12
          010 months ago

          That is why the world will burn.

          • squib
            310 months ago

            No, it will burn because of greed, aversion and delusion.

            • @Mellow12
              110 months ago

              I agree. All which are forms of selfishness and inconsideration of others. The actions of both sides are indefensible, but it sounds like one side escalated this situation and could have handled it with a lot more grace. They sound like just another hate group to me. The more selfish people become the more they all will devolve into ignorant, intolerant hate groups.

      • @[email protected]
        2310 months ago

        That’s exactly the point they are making in burning it. sacred to you is not sacred to me. Thinking that they have any right to enforce their religious beliefs on anyone else is not okay, doing so violently reveals they are the villains.

        If Islam wants to be part of modern society, they need to accept others are not religious, and some are vehemently against religion, and that those views, demonstrated in public, is their right too.

        The core issue a lot of people have with Islam in particular is the belief that they must enforce Islamic law on others around them.

        • DessertStorms
          10 months ago

          Asking your beliefs be respected is not enforcing anything on to anyone else, and deliberately baiting an oppressed group for a reaction by going out of your way to disrespect them, and then pulling a surprised Pikachu face when they react is antagonistic fascist bullshit.

          • CalamityBalls
            1810 months ago

            Responding with violence when your beliefs are disrespected is trying to enforce your beliefs on others.

          • admiralteal
            510 months ago

            Everyone sucks here. You don’t need to step forward and defend people violently rioting over one person’s bad behavior.

      • @[email protected]
        1110 months ago

        Book, prophet, religion, none of these things are a justification for a riot. And let’s ignore the irony of said religions preaching peace and loving thy neighbor.

        • admiralteal
          10 months ago

          If it were the local government gathering up and burning ALL the Quran’s in the jurisdiction, that’d be one thing. This is a single private actor getting the exact response they desired, though.

      • Spzi
        610 months ago

        Yes, makes you question the credibility of that religion. Example thoughts:

        1. Why does this deity choose such a fragile medium? Why not carve the message into mountains, paint it in the sky, craft into our hearts?
        2. Why do humans argue over it, when it’s a matter of the gods? If Allah thinks this book deserves protection, why can mere men burn it?
        3. If you discovered the one and only truth, established a connection to the one creator, why bother with a random jerk burning books?

        It’s all kindergarten squabbles while it should be untouchable sovereignty.

  • theodewere
    1010 months ago

    Russian intelligence ops in full swing because it’s all they’ve got in their arsenal, now that their Army is toast

  • 🦄🦄🦄
    710 months ago

    Burning the book is literally the religiously correct way to dispose of the Quran. What the fuck are they angry about?

    • ArtieShaw
      710 months ago

      Because they can tell the difference between two very different things?

      I don’t know how assholes work where you live, but in the US some varieties of asshole would burn a US flag* if they wanted to pick a fight with people who have a reputation for giving a shit about symbols that “need to be respected.”

      Of course the proscribed way to dispose of a damaged or worn US flag is to burn it, but only weirdly precocious children would argue that this is relevant.

      “Sit down, Billie**. That’s not what we’re talking about.”

      The kid it technically correct (but not really even that) and is also missing the much lager point. The larger point is that the act is a ‘FUCK YOU,’ coupled with ‘what ya gonna do about it?’

      *This isn’t a great analogy aside from 1) destruction by fire and 2) the act of destruction being intended as a direct provocation.

      **Also, Billie will grow up to become an energy vampire.

  • ISometimesAdmin
    710 months ago

    In the past months, Momika, a refugee from Iraq, has desecrated the Quran in a series of anti-Islam protests mostly in Stockholm that have caused anger in many Muslim countries. Swedish police have allowed his actions, citing freedom of speech.

    Good shit.