Reporter discovers the hottest cth meme of 2019, writes 2500 words about it

“You have a generation of American men who found themselves incapable of continuing the tradition of engagement, success or whatever that they had been bequeathed,” says Matt Christman, one of the hosts of Chapo Trap House, the podcast leading the way on Hunter-loving-for-leftists. “If you don’t have money, that means you stay in your parents’ basement. If you do, it means you get corrupt fake jobs and do the most crack anyone has ever done. But the basic deficiency, the ill-suitedness for thriving is the same. So that’s where the recognition comes in.”

“Hunter proves the rot is at the heart,” Christman says. He might not mean to, but the president’s son is taking down shibboleths about propriety in Washington, confirming the disaffected leftist worldview that beyond the stump speeches and the glossy magazine profiles, politicians’ families are just as lost as the rest of us, if not more. To his fans, he is the id of American excess. What’s cooler than that?

hunter matt-jokerfied