I hate pubs. I hate bars. All the people, loud music and other overstimulations make my brain go crazy… but most of my friends want to go to bars. Its seems like they are enjoying themselves… any tips to either get better att handeling sutch situations in fututure so i wont be as much of a antisosial outsider?


  • potoo22@lemmy.world
    2 年前

    Suggest something you like before they get a chance to decide to go to a bar. e.g. “Let’s hangout at (place) and do (activity).” My friends liked BBQs. We’d BBQed at my parent’s place or at one of theirs. Other things: board games/tabletop games, LAN party, hanging out at a park or beach.

    But yeah, I get you. tbh, I just didn’t go to bars, but they still did enough non-bar things that they considered me part of their group and invited me to the other things.