“Let’s remember that he is South American and so his head is not as focused as Max Verstappen or as Sebastian Vettel was”

  • @[email protected]
    3910 months ago

    “Let’s remember that he is South American and so his head is not as focused as Max Verstappen or as Sebastian Vettel was”

    Ummm Mexico is in North America. So he is not only being insensitive but he is also incorrect

  • @[email protected]
    3410 months ago

    I hope one day the full story gets told about the tremendous pressure and media scrutiny checo has contended with. Its very strange, there is always some excuse preventing him from getting any positive recognition. Undoubtably, race plays a factor here, even subconsciously.

    If he fails to get on the podium, he apparently needs to be fired immediately. When he has a bad qualifying and cleanly overtakes half a dozen cars to finish 2nd, then its entirely the car that’s responsible. and, i guess, also due to his ‘south american’ heritage.

    Ironically, due to his inconsistent qualifying, and exceptional racecraft and tire management, he’s one of the more entertaining drivers to watch on raceday.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      Bullshit. Imho.

      Old man saying stupid shit? For sure. Next to a load of experience old people bring old views of the world with them. Just talk to your dad/grand dad about the finer things of life. Chances are good you don’t agree.

      Checo being discriminated? If checo is being so discriminated… what’s he doing in the best car on the grid? For several seasons?!?!

      I think the opposite. I think Checo is being liked by a lot on the grid. Checo just had 1 problem: Max. Max is humbling everyone this season. Checo unfortunately the most because he’s in the same car. One day max will find his Senna, his Schumacher, his Lewis. But for now… He’s up there. Peak form. Unrivalled.

      If you’re talking about some fans and some “journalists”… Yeah, just like irl some of those are assholes. That is not the general consensus, it’s a small very Loud group.

      And indeed race does had some impact on how the world views Checo. But I’m talking about something else then you. His race performance was lacking for a long time. And I think the old geezer Is telling us between the lines there was other stuff going on in Checo’s life impacting his performance. And that unlike seb or max checo could not filter that out. And the old fart blames that on his “south American culture/upbringing” not race.

      But read in it what you want. This is my opinion. Just as (in)valid as yours probably. :)

  • @[email protected]
    3210 months ago

    Red Bull has publicly stated that they are considering alternatives for Perez when his contract expires in 2024. Marko, who will be one who will be making that decision, is an old fashion racist.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Honestly… How are we all ok with this? When is enough enough? This is so sad, we all just accept that this team boss is rotten

    Someone please convince me that this mentality somehow doesn’t permeate down to the rest of the team. Explain to me how the whole team is totally immune to this mentality, that no one has to dance around this racism, that all members of the RB team are free to share their real, true opinions about people based on their merit and contributions.

    I’m not a huge fan of checo, but I certainly don’t hate him, and certainly think he’s at least earned his spot. This type of language and attitude is friggin hienous, though. It’s how Nazi sympathizers speak. It shows how he truly feels - checo is less than based on his country of origin.

    How are we ok with this? Ugh it frustrates me so hard.

    • @[email protected]OP
      410 months ago

      I’m sure regular F1 fans don’t even know about that and F1 media will not cover this in any way, just as they were silent when Rosberg was banned from attending the paddock after refusing vaccination.

        • @[email protected]OP
          310 months ago

          Imagine completely factual reporting by Sky Sports and suddenly all RB drivers and other employees such as Horner are no longer available for interviews to them.

  • @[email protected]
    2110 months ago

    I mean… waves at Senna, who was actually South American

    Maybe it’s time to retire, Marko? That shit doesn’t fly anymore

  • @[email protected]
    1610 months ago

    What the fuck is that supposed to mean. This is just plain racism, unless we’re missing some very important context. But I doubt it, because he’s said stuff like this before according to the article.

    • @[email protected]OP
      710 months ago

      Everything Mateschitz touched is basically a far right swamp. Servus TV also spread conspiracy theories around Covid.

  • @[email protected]
    1110 months ago

    As long as RedBull are winning and making money for F1 nothing will change. This old racist will continue to be racist. That’s how the world works.

    • @[email protected]OP
      710 months ago

      nothing will change. This old racist will continue to be racist.

      True but I think it’s still necessary to publicize such comments and not sweep them under the rug.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Yes true. However as I said, I don’t think anything will happen. He’s been saying racist dumb shit for years now without penalty. Just because he’s an old rich European he gets away with it.

        Money talks in F1. That’s the bottom line. It sucks, but that’s the way it is.

  • 佐藤カズマ
    910 months ago

    What. the. fuck? Helm-out Marko should be his new name, because he needs to shut up and fuck off. Formula 1 should be better than this.

  • kindenough
    610 months ago

    Helmut needs to leave, seems that a lot of really old people can’t get cured of their racism or even realize they are racist. It’s tradition to them.

  • @Timecircleline
    110 months ago

    I bet he also considers Fernando and Carlos South American.

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    I wonder how much (if any) leverage this gives Checo for contract renewals. If RBR let him go and he immediately sues them for discrimination it’s going to be a bad look.

  • danielfgom
    -610 months ago

    Perhaps he means that Checo’s personality is more temperamental than Max’s because people from “Germanic” countries tend to be less temperamental, more objective driven. Latinos/Italians/Portuguese/Greeks tend to be more emotion driven.

    That’s typically true. Hence Latinos are regarded as romantic, good dancers, good lovers etc while Germanics are considered reserved, stiff, not romantic, terrible dancers etc

    Basically Checo takes a bad weekend harder psychologically than Max who will shrug it off and come back garden next week. I don’t think he was being racist.