In terms of community usage stats.
I really like Banshee, but I was shocked to learn she was at a mere 0.53% usage on last year’s published stats. I’m also really fond of Yareli and Gyre.
In terms of community usage stats.
I really like Banshee, but I was shocked to learn she was at a mere 0.53% usage on last year’s published stats. I’m also really fond of Yareli and Gyre.
Helminth is optional but if you use base build and use her 1 to hover Archon Stretch will be useless.
Helminth in this build is Spectrorage. Archon Stretch procs via tornadoes if you use an electric weapon (viral+electric). Phantasma Prime is my pick for that usually but you can use Amprex or whatever other weapon that works with that build. You can also use Gas weapons (for example, Gas Nataruk) and use normal Stretch. However the problem with Gas is that there’s a nasty bug that will force you to recast 4 every so often as the tornadoes will disappear due to damage being capped at 500k (which is fed into by the gas clouds). Energize is flexible, you can use something like Arcane Arachne or some other damage boosting arcane. Not that more damage is required on her.
You can also put Spectro over her 2, replace Archon Stretch for normal and discard Funnel Clouds and feed your 1’s hover via Energize.
Playstyle: keep up 3 at all times, use Rolling Guard when it expires or to protect from eximus abilities/Thrax Legatus BS stuff. Pick a nice spot, cast Spectro, hold cast 4 inside Spectro circle, use 2 to pull enemies into tornadoes (the tornadoes with augment will not pull enemies in by default but her 2 offers a bigger pull/ragdoll range anyway and will pull enemies into the tornadoes as if it was regular case). Aimglide to activate passive if you desire. Fire weapon into tornadoes. Watch everything die. Her 3 will protect objectives too and with big range you will not be affected by any ranged attacks, even aoe stuff. You just need to make sure you do not get melee’d.
Alternative Helminth skills, I haven’t tested them all yet but I’ve seen those on different builds:
-Dispensary - with Equilibrium in place of Constitution and it’ll let you drop Energize
-Fire Blast - you’ll need to swap Cunning Drift for Power Drift and swap Enemy Radar for Corrosive Projection so you can strip in two casts
-Nourish - for use with Gas bows to get Viral procs in cases of not being able to have the Panzer Vulpaphyla, energy multiplier is 1.4x at 40% STR but I swap Energize for Molt Augmented in there for full multiplier. Also great in Circuit with the energy generation on full HP decree.
-Spellbind + Spellbound Harvest augment (Molt Augmented in place of Energize) - status immunity on hold and energy recovery on regular cast
Dunno if it’s the best build but it’s the one that works best for me.