Sen. John Fetterman offered a message Wednesday to House Republicans considering impeaching President Joe Biden: “Go ahead, do it. I dare you.”

Speaking to reporters in his Senate office, the Pennsylvania Democrat suggested that the impeachment push by Republicans on the other side of the Capitol was meant to deflect from the mountain of legal problems facing former President Donald Trump.

“Your man has what, three or four indictments now?” Fetterman said. “Trump has a mug shot and he’s been impeached twice.”

“Sometimes you just gotta call their bullshit,” he said.

The first-term senator went on to say that a Biden impeachment "would just be like a big circle jerk on the fringe right,” and “would diminish what impeachment really means.”

Note: As pointed out by reddig33 in comments, this is an old photo. Here’s a couple examples of his new look.

  • Evie
    1 year ago

    Why did Trump’s son get 2 billion from the corrupt Saudi government… literally the same crime you accused Hunter Biden of and you don’t care??? Or it okay cause trumps son is on your team?

    You know politics isn’t a sports team? It’s not tribal? Why can’t you help yourself?

      1 year ago

      Trumps son was doing a legit business deal , Hunter just got paid money for smoking crack and taking pictures of his junk

      • Evie
        1 year ago

        No he wasn’t doing a deal (which would be illegal if so cause it exactly what you all claim hunter did and name dropped his dad) but no business has been done with Saudi government other than a shell operation that you are claiming was business and shhh just so you know, it wasn’t… you are willfully ignorant here… and it’s really sad…

        What’s even more sad, is you are going to be disposed by your own party when they have no more use for you… and you can’t even see it nor comprehend it. You are so blind by your perceived patriotism, that you have traded your independence and dignity to be on a team that care nothing for you… I really hope you wake up someday before its too late for you…

          • Evie
            1 year ago

            Thats really all you can rebuttal with? Some common regurgitated rhetoric from the right wing political statement?! Do you not have anything to say from your own self? Why are you parroting a slogan that is not your own?

            I am awake… it’s you who are the one that is afraid of being woke… It’s so ironic and pedantic of you tell me to wake up when it’s the very thing you are afraid of…