just updated to the v0.0.35 f-droid build and jerboa started to consistently crash at seemingly random times. likewise, I would get web UI error notifications while using the web frontend.

did a little testing and noticed that it may be related to the “show avatars” setting being enabled.

turning “show avatars” off and saving the settings seems to have eliminated the issues on both web and app.

will continue to test and update the post if needed. any others able to confirm or refute this particular issue might be helpful.

edit: there are still crashes related to editing a post, but crashes while scrolling through posts and comments seem to be much reduced. any feedback is welcome.

edit2: further poking suggests the underlying cause may be jerboa not handling server response timeouts well. turning off avatars may reduce the number of API calls and therefore the number of potentially mishandled timeouts. crash frequency is likely variable as a result of variable server load. if others also experience reduced crash frequency with avatars turned off then I can either create a github issue or add info to an existing one.

  • sugar_in_your_tea
    1 year ago

    There’s a patch to fix most of it in for the next release. So it should be a lot better in 0.0.36.