• sharpiemarker
    1410 months ago

    Anything political posted here from Twitter is bound to be, at the very least, wildly exaggerated if not outright propaganda.

    • jimmydoreisaleftyOP
      -1010 months ago

      True, but Twitter does not have a monopoly in propaganda.

      Politics controls everything that happens in the world, to a degree.

  • Franzia
    910 months ago

    This is literally how it works in every other democracy. Parties choose the candidate. I’d rather see more candidates/parties reach the general election than have primaries. I’m not alone, there has been a huge uptick in voters registered as Independent. However of course the Democratic party is against any increase in democracy. Not as much as the curtent Republican party.

    • jimmydoreisaleftyOP
      -810 months ago

      Bloods and Crips do not care for democracy, they help each other exclude competition in the federal/state/local level.

      Yes, Independent is the largest group between blue/red.

      Hopefully, we can have candidates this year that can bring them out to vote. If not, they need to try harder.

      Thanks for your input!