
Foreword: I know being eco friendly isn’t for everyone whether it’s beliefs or pricing, but these are some tips regardless!

  1. Reusable bottles of course. This one is basically standard and I don’t think many people these days use disposable ones when working out. This will save money and the environment! I personally like and recommend the flip belt and flip belt bottles, they work for me. Farthest I’ve ran is 4 miles, might be different for higher mileage.

  2. Those rehydration drinks. Stuff like Gatorade in bottles try to avoid! Use the Gatorade powder or your preferred powder brand. Sometimes powders come in tiny plastic packets, try to find big bulk ones like Gatorade.

  3. I’m sure there’s eco friendly outfit brands share some if you know and like them!

  4. Any other tips for people looking to reduce their impact on the environment share them!

As there is a foreword now there is a backward: I know the impact us individuals have is minimal compared to mega corps, but anything is better than nothing! Have a good day and I hope your runs continue to be injury free 😁

  • merde alors
    1 year ago

    if you live in a bigger city where running barefoot is hazardous, merrel is making a series with no paint. It’s rather whitish at first