I just hit pool 3 and am helping a friend who’s still in pool 1 and just got (what I feel like) is a huge achievement in getting to rank 50 yesterday!

Most of the conversation is around endgame but are there other mids like me around?

Getting rank 50 was my goal so I could just mess around with decks and be a bit silly. I’ve tried on a lot of deck types, with ongoing being my favorite to date, but I got my achievement with a mix of ongoing and a few on reveal.

I’m wanting to experiment with Sif, Ghost Rider (lucky pull), and Infinaut in a deck but I’ve never been comfortable with destroy type decks at all.

  • @Randomocity
    21 year ago

    Minor correction in case you are looking for decks online. Sif/ghost rider are discard decks, not destroy. They aren’t often mixed, with the exception of wolverine.

    • HaveYouTriedCatsOP
      11 year ago

      Thank you! I haven’t been looking online but thought it would be fun to try out. The idea of winning though getting rid of cards seems so strange to me that I’m hesitant to try it.

      • @Randomocity
        11 year ago

        Discard is how I first got to 70. It’s a lot of fun!

  • @[email protected]
    111 months ago

    Ghost rider and infinaut would be more suitable to a discard deck than a destroy deck. But those aren’t bad cards to try out. If you can give a shot in the proving grounds, it’s the best place to really test stuff out with a couple draws and not have to worry about losing cubes, or rank.