On a more serious note, though, while I do 100% that the “Thin Blue Line” is pure idiocy, I don’t think that actually going out of your way to harass them (even if it is warranted) is in any way effective in convincing them otherwise and having them see reason. Same reasoning as with why many young boys these days fall down the alt-right rabbit hole and become a Tater Tot.
There is a high chance that someone shoving that thing-blue-line bullshit probably own a gun and are desperately waiting for an excuse to shoot someone for even the most minute reason. And they had said “FAFO” 3 times already that day
You also think beating up fascists is “a bad way to make them see reason”? It’s entirely not the point. You beat up fascists to make them be afraid of openly being a fascist.
Fair enough, I was being too idealistic. I just wish we can have them see reason instead, but if we can’t, making them shut up and not spread their idiocy would perhaps make for the next best thing.
A Tater Tot is a mindless follower of some very punchable asshole called Andrew Tate. Also in regards to your second point, while that is true, they will and already do have that stupid stereotype ingrained in their racist minds anyways. Might as well take advantage of it.
On a more serious note, though, while I do 100% that the “Thin Blue Line” is pure idiocy, I don’t think that actually going out of your way to harass them (even if it is warranted) is in any way effective in convincing them otherwise and having them see reason. Same reasoning as with why many young boys these days fall down the alt-right rabbit hole and become a Tater Tot.
There is a high chance that someone shoving that thing-blue-line bullshit probably own a gun and are desperately waiting for an excuse to shoot someone for even the most minute reason. And they had said “FAFO” 3 times already that day
You also think beating up fascists is “a bad way to make them see reason”? It’s entirely not the point. You beat up fascists to make them be afraid of openly being a fascist.
Fair enough, I was being too idealistic. I just wish we can have them see reason instead, but if we can’t, making them shut up and not spread their idiocy would perhaps make for the next best thing.
Lol what’s a tater tot?
And by stealing their gas you are probably just reinforcing their stereotypes on crime and what the police response should be.
A Tater Tot is a mindless follower of some very punchable asshole called Andrew Tate. Also in regards to your second point, while that is true, they will and already do have that stupid stereotype ingrained in their racist minds anyways. Might as well take advantage of it.
So I cant poop off the bridge and have it land on their boat?
Only if you are the Dave Matthews band
Only if you show me the aftermath
I’ll allow it.