Most Scifi fans I have ran into can pretty quickly rank the four stars –BattleSTAR Galactica, STAR Trek, STARgate, and STAR wars, but what lesser-known or less-prestigious shows hold a special place in your heart?
No, Firefly doesn’t count as lesser-known.
Space: Above and Beyond. It was a short-lived show on FOX about a group of space marines that are pressed into service against an alien menace, but not everything is as it seems. The show was a a bit of a mashup between Aliens, Blade Runner, and Starship Troopers, and it was awesome. If there was ever a show that needed a remake, it’s this one.
This sounds like a Warhammer 40k tv show by your description! I’m gonna have to check this one out and be disappointed when it ends far too early. :(