For me, this is the injection of anesthesia at my latest consultation at the dentist, it was so painful that i screamed to him. Anesthesia is rarely a time of pleasure, but damn, it has never been so painful.

    2 years ago

    Extreme gallbladder attack. I’d gone through a few in the months prior, and while excruciating, I wouldn’t call unbearable. The last one though? The one that put me in hospital and required emergency surgery that day due to risk of rupture? Yeah. I’ve never felt pain like it. I’ve been stabbed and had kidney stones before. I’d rather get stabbed and have kidney stones again than EVER feel the level of pain that rotting, inflamed, shard-filled organ put me through (and kidney stones were fucking BAD.) I’m a 31 year old 6ft1" man, and this thing had me writhing on the floor in pain for hours before my wife forced me into the passenger seat of the car and rushed me to the ER.

    I later found out that the ‘food poisoning’ I was hospitalized for around 5 years earlier was actually a gallbladder issue, and the hospital never told me. Basically, this fucking thing had been slowly rotting inside me for 5 years and I had no idea until it almost killed me out of nowhere. I’m still extremely fucking angry about it.

      2 years ago

      I had a very similar situation, aside from the stabbing part. Emergency surgery after about a week of pain cuz no one could figure out what was wrong.

      Funny thing is my grandmother in law called it correctly on day one.