Two corrections: Braker -> Bruker (one of the only NMR vendors still around today), δrms -> δTMS (TMS = tetramethylsilane, a common reference for proton chemical shifts)
Edit: I suspect that 1L coupling constants is actually 1J coupling constants despite the proximity of the superscript to the stem; 1J referring to the coupling frequency of a 13C nucleus with a proton 1 bond away. I am wincing at the lack of 13C{1H} decoupling lol I bet the spectra are even less legible in their original form than this text is in the current form.
M.p.s are not corrected, Tottoli apparatus; IR spectra [ν/cm-1], Beckmann IR-20A spectrometer; UV spectra, _Carl Zeiss RPQ 20A/C or Pye Unicam SP 8-100 instruments (λmax[nm](ε)); Mass spectra (MS(EI)) at 70 eV, CEC 21-490 Bell-Howard spectrometer (m/e [amu](% base peak)); MS in chemical ionization mode (CH4, 1 Torr), GC-MS system HP 5980 A, Hewlett-Packard; 1H NMR spectra, Bruker WP 80 CW spectrometer: δ[ppm](multiplicity, apparent coupling constant J[Hz], number of protons, attribution [Eu(dpm), relative induced shift]), s, singlet; br, broad; d, doublet; t, triplet; qa, quartet; m, multiplet; δTMS = 0.0 ppm; 13C NMR spectra Bruker WP spectrometer (15.08 MHz, spectrum width: 3750 Hz, 4096 points, FT mode): δ[ppm](multiplicity, apparent 1L coupling constants [± 2 Hz]
Edit: corrections per ornery_chemist
Two corrections: Braker -> Bruker (one of the only NMR vendors still around today), δrms -> δTMS (TMS = tetramethylsilane, a common reference for proton chemical shifts)
Edit: I suspect that 1L coupling constants is actually 1J coupling constants despite the proximity of the superscript to the stem; 1J referring to the coupling frequency of a 13C nucleus with a proton 1 bond away. I am wincing at the lack of 13C{1H} decoupling lol I bet the spectra are even less legible in their original form than this text is in the current form.
Thanks! Fixed.
I came for this and was not disapointed.