• ArchmageAzor
    111 year ago

    This actually sounds like a coverup in an SCP article.

    “At 1700 hours the foundation became aware of an unknown digital entity in the video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 that would only make itself aware to cheaters. Foundation assets within Activision has announced this as a new anti-cheat system.”

  • @Iteria
    81 year ago

    They really decided that Naruto was right and kage bushin no jutsu is a fantastic defense against rapid attacks lol. That’s really fascinating. From the POV of a normal character cheaters are like storm troopers missing their shots over and over again and opening themselves to be sniped. From the POV of the cheaters their opponents are really dumb grouping together like that. I wonder when cheaters will get savvy to this technique and just move house when they see too many targets in a space.

  • ArchmageAzor
    61 year ago

    I love the idea of anti-cheat that doesn’t just ban cheaters, but messes with them and makes them waste their time

  • redcalcium
    61 year ago

    So, these games do not ban cheaters, but instead try to inconvenience them until they stop cheating? I wonder why they don’t outright ban the cheaters. Are they afraid of getting chargebacks or refund request? Or are a huge proportion of those cheaters actually some big spender so the game companies don’t want to ban them because retaining them is more profitable?

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      because ban evasion is a problem and dealing with cheaters is more effective when they don’t know they’ve been tagged as a cheater

      • @Corkyskog
        81 year ago

        And if they spend money in the mean time… another win

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        Just look at Rainbow Six Sieges Mousetrap system to detect people using MnK on Console. Works amazingly

    • Linos Melendi
      111 year ago

      They’ll get banned eventually, one of the purposes of the “ghost” players is they can be used on “suspected” players that aren’t 100% sure of cheating yet, and trying to kill them will let system know they are in fact a cheater.

      • @howsetheraven
        21 year ago

        But it makes no sense. Let’s say they enable the decoys for you because you’re “suspected”. How are you going to guarantee you aren’t going to accidentally shoot one? They are apparently mostly indistinguishable and in a game where you are sprinting around and flicking to different targets, you’re not going to wait around to find out.

        So what, you kill the clone and are instantly labeled a hacker? Nah, there’s no way it’s a detection tool. If you start seeing clones, the game already decided you’re a cheater.

      • redcalcium
        11 year ago

        The other game mentioned in the article are slowing the cheater’s speed, right? Why not outright ban them then?

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Warzone 2.0 is free to play, so making a new account once banned is pretty trivial. Obviously they also have a financial incentive to keep players in and get them to just stop cheating, so they stick around and buy skins. Less likely to do that if they lose all the skins they do have.

      With that said, I am pretty concerned about false positives with these types of systems. I am 99% certain back in Warzone 1 I was accidentally flagged as a cheater. This was when they were queuing cheaters only with other cheaters. So for a few months I was constantly facing blatant aimbotting players. Imagine constantly seeing players that don’t actually exist because the game decided something on your PC was sus.

  • @Lifetrip
    31 year ago

    Reminds me of the anti-cheat from older games like the invicible scorpion with machine guns from Serious Sam.

    That’s a really good way to play with those assholes.

      • @Lifetrip
        31 year ago

        You are right but this is still the same kind of punitive actions against people not being legit.