• Uriel238 [all pronouns]
    241 year ago

    Most innovation capitalism breeds, by far, is better ways to lobby government, better ways to convince customers to pay extra, better ways to get the workforce to tolerate miserable conditions without complaint.

    Those are cheap in contrast to new space-age materials and faster microprocessors.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Dollar Tree bought Family Dollar. Hence them being the same store (it’s not two dollar stores right next to each other).

      Why two signs, idfk. Maybe they were worried people would be upset that their beloved Family Dollar was replaced with Dollar Tree, so they’re easing people in by making it clear they’re the same thing

  • katy ✨
    71 year ago

    this is basically what lewis black warned us about with his starbucks end of the universe routine

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      Words of wisdom from the guy who thinks Ukraine defending itself from an invasion is “murder”

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Also that was in context to a failed Ukrainian OFFENSIVE. It was not defensive.

          Attacking a country that’s invading your own is an act of defense. Ukraine could blow up the Kremlin with a cruise missile today and it would be a defensive act, because every act of war that you take after being invaded is a defense against your enemy’s ability to continue invading you. That’s exactly how it has always worked, and that’s how it will continue to work forever.

          How about stop the killing completely?

          I couldn’t agree more, Russia should tender their unconditional surrender immediately. But that’s not what you mean, you mean Ukraine should negotiate for an armistice and kiss their stolen territory goodbye. Capitulation to the violent to stop more deaths is a nice idea that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but out here in the real world it doesn’t work. At all. If it did, giving Czechoslovakia to Germany would have averted the second world war. Killing isn’t murder when you do it for a just reason and have exhausted all your alternatives. Suing for peace and selling your territory and people to an enemy in exchange for “peace” isn’t an alternative.

          Also, stop being a creep.

          Pointing out why an imbecile should be ignored: creepy
          Advocating for appeasement to a dictator: NOT creepy

          This thread has nothing to do with your comment.

          Deal with it, complaining about me invading your space is an OFFENSIVE action after all, you should just lay down and take it for the sake of peace.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      Oh no the mom and pop dollar store doesn’t exist in the building with the other 2 dollar stores 😭

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      71 year ago

      If corporations own the government and the government ruins everything, corporations ruin everything. Just want to make sure that I say that because people see regulatory capture as an excuse to get rid of regulation entirely rather than making bribery illegal again.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Maybe it’s what you’re saying, but regulation per se isn’t the issue. If regulation is stifling small businesses, this is largely the result of regulatory capture, where large corporations lobby for regulations that only benefit them; such as requiring certain licenses only they can afford, or requiring practices they themselves invented and own the rights to.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Durr, corporations fuck everyone over even with regulations in place. If we remove regulations, I’m sure they would treat us better. Hurr.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Not sure about that… Getting a whole tree for a single dollar sounds like a good deal! On the other hand, receiving one dollar from a an unknown family is a bit shady - does the family even have a choice here?