• UltimateUsermaim@monyet.cc
    1 year ago

    Few days ago, I watched this video on YouTube of people secretly learning their enthic language to suprise their parents. They would find tutors online. I’m thinking to myself. These people are lucky that their enthicity is common enough that there is a tutor online

    I don’t have that privilege. when I Google my enthic language. It’s a fkin Wikipedia page and other pages of that nature. An archival piece

    Not that I don’t try. The few times I try with my parents. My mom is pretty receptive of it. My dad on the other hand…he made fun of me when I did it. I think he sees it like how a mexican guy speaks in perfect mexican but when it comes to certain words, they’ll say it in perfect American accent. A Mishmash of perfect mexican with perfect American. That’s how I sound like to him maybe. I hope that analogy make sense. Anyway, yeah that made me not wanting to learn it more and more.

    Maybe it’s like pandas, just let it die. Not worth saving just because they look cool. Too much hassle not enough utility.

    • Annoyed_🦀 @monyet.cc
      1 year ago

      Yeah, it’s an ass move for making fun other’s attempt at learning something, especially when they’re still kids. I got made fun of from my cousin for speaking kinda terrible cantonese and english when i was a kid, that sour the deal so much i just quit learning both, all that just so i can communicate with him.

      • cendawanita@monyet.cc
        1 year ago

        Sympathies from the loghat negeri failure mode gang. Pretty much why I stopped bothering to speak proper kelantanese.