Sweden’s prime minister on Thursday said that he’s summoned the head of the military to discuss how the armed forces can help police deal with an unprecedented crime wave that has shocked the country with almost daily shootings and bombings.

Getting the military involved in crime-fighting would be a highly unusual step for Sweden, underscoring the severity of the gang violence that has claimed a dozen lives across the country this month, including teenagers and innocent bystanders.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said that he would meet with the armed forces’ supreme commander and the national police commissioner on Friday to explore “how the armed forces can help police in their work against the criminal gangs.”

  • Gorilladrums
    1 year ago

    Imagine spending so much time in your house that you’re this out of touch with reality. Gang violence in Sweden is has nothing to do with Sweden. The country did EVERYTHING for the immigrants. They gave them citizenship, free education, free healthcare, subsidized housing, job opportunities, free mental counseling, their justice system is all about rehabilitation, legal protection from discrimination, acceptance. Like what else could they have done? Besides this isn’t America, Swedens police aren’t as armed or aggressive. It’s time to actually accept the facts for what they are.

    Despite all the efforts, despite all the benefit of the doubts given, despite all the opportunities offered a huge chunk of immigrants, almost exclusively from MENA, just straight up refuse to integrate. They refuse to work (even though they can), they reject Swedish values, they disrespect Swedish culture, they actively choose to break the law, they seek out gangs and crooks from abroad to do their bidding, they abuse the generosity of the welfare system, and the list goes on and on. Sweden tried to educate the youth, they tried running more programs, they tried talking to them, they tried incentivizing them… But they just don’t care. How else is the country supposed to maintain its social cohesion, stability, and safety?

    The immigration crises should’ve never happened to begin with, that was the original mistake. People listened to idiots like you and let them in, then they listened again and they went a decade long path of naiveness and mistakes that cost them their progress. You can’t lie, deny, or cry the immigration crises anymore. The jig is up. What Sweden is doing here is not just appropriate, but way overdue. It’s time for other countries with similar issues to follow suit.