Another wild ride. I’ve been all-in on most changes this season, but the Siuan change doesn’t make 100% sense to me. Follow-through was one of her best traits in the book.

I wonder if Rafe is trying to make a spoilered thing coming up sit differently with the watcher than it does with the reader? Maybe a certain future Red Sister won’t be as much a villain immediately?

  • abraxasOPM
    1 year ago

    Absolutely. I’ve always theorized that character power-levels come from military power levels (because Jordan fought in the Vietnam War).

    I’ve always seen the A-listers as “those things that can win a battle on their own if careful” power, like a Battleship or an ICBM installation… Note the Fat Man Angreal is named after one of the two atomic bombs used to end WW2. Rand with the Fat Man is about as strong as an atomic bomb. And then yeah, our B-listers are “like a Sherman tank or a fighter jet”. Etc. So actually getting to see Lanfear able to casually control a city where 14 strongish Aes Sedai are specifically prepared for her… was exactly what I was hoping for.

    And for Siuan changing… I still plan to wait and find out. Without spoiling for you, her story is one of the ones I enjoy more every reread. I’m trying to wrap my head around what will change because her unfailing and consistent determination is a pretty big character trait. I guess it can be spun as “this is her determination”… I’d say “or she could have been under compulsion”, but nobody capable of doing that would be Compelling her against the Shadow’s goals.