I know it’s quite an old topic, but I myself have been introduced to Vocaloid merely 3 years ago, and it has been my biggest interest ever since. So I’m wondering whether there are others like me out there, who have a liking for this genre/medium (?) And if so, what’s your favorite song? Producer? Vocaloid/vocal synth? Anything else you’d want to share, or any other aspects you like about Vocaloid? Let me hear your thoughts!
I love Vocaloid, I haven’t found an active Lemmy community for it yet though. Some current favorites:
ザムザ (Samsa) / てにをは
背徳の記憶 〜The Lost Memory〜 / SCL Project
エリカの憂い (Erica’s Sorrow) / 香椎モイミ
It’s hard to pick any one favorite! There’s lots of great stuff out there, especially if you’re willing to dive into untranslated work.