• Which weapon skin did you choose using the Black Lion Weapons Voucher?
  • Which skin/mount/… was randomly unlocked by using the Knife Tail Gang Hunting Bond?

I chose the Elegant Fan Focus Skin for my Elementalist (despite Warhorn being the offhand of chocie for pretty much all builds at the moment) and got the Equinox Staff Skin from the Knife Tail Gang member.

  • @Thalfon
    59 months ago

    I picked Caithe’s Bloom (I think it’s called, the dark purple dagger), since it fit my ele outfit. I got the reading glasses skin which a couple weeks before I’d been complaining about being unavailable in the gem store, so I guess for once the RNG gods chose kindness lol.

  • Ivy Raven
    29 months ago

    I haven’t picked a weapon skin yet, but the random drop was an ice dagger. Not sure on the name of it. Feel like I will pick a 2H of some kind though. Since they’re easier to see.

  • Ravi
    29 months ago

    Chose Lord Caudecus Rapier and got a 3g dye from the drop Glints something, I feel ripped off.