The Supreme Court is returning to a new term to take up some familiar topics — guns and abortion — and concerns about ethics swirling around the justices.
The year also will have a heavy focus on social media and how free speech protections apply online. A big unknown is whether the court will be asked to weigh in on any aspect of the criminal cases against former President Donald Trump and others or efforts in some states to keep the Republican off the 2024 presidential ballot because of his role in trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election that he lost to Democrat Joe Biden.
Lower-profile but vitally important, several cases in the term that begins Monday ask the justices to constrict the power of regulatory agencies.
Even without any details concerning the cases, I can entirely confidently predict that they’re going to fuck us over at every turn.
The religious tribunal has decreed … more babies … and more guns!!!
Seems like a problem that fixes itself.
Nah, it just results in the children of conservatives killing loads and loads of leftists before they take themselves out to not face any consequences.
I don’t know any leftists that are any less well armed, and staunchly pro gun ownership than at least the moderate right. Socialism and an armed populace go hand in hand. We’re pro-choice AF though.
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So about abortion being a states rights matter? That was just a joke, huh?
it’s up to the states, but only a select few states like florida and texas.
The Supreme Joke, more like it.
Pack the court.
Balance the court. It’s already been packed by McConnell starting in Obama’s second term. It should just be tied to the number of federal appellate courts.
Honest suggestion: let’s eliminate the court’s fixed size requirement, and simply add a permanent justice in the third year of every presidential term.
If the total number of justices falls below 7 at any time during a president’s term, the president may make one additional permanent appointment per term. Permanent appointments must be confirmed by the senate.
After making that second permanent appointment, the president may make temporary appointments to bring the total to 7. For these temporary appointments, the president may elevate any previously confirmed circuit court judge directly to the supreme court without additional confirmation. Any other nominee must receive Senate confirmation.
Any temporary appointment expires in the third year of the following presidential term.
This is great. Let’s fucking goooooo
Bad precedent, but I get the idea.
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I just researched this and that’s not true. FDR tried to get 13 justices on the court, but ultimately failed.
From what I can tell he literally didn’t.
It’s starting to look like we might need a few less justices, actually.
I think it would be better if the horribly corrupt judges weren’t part of the SC, but that’s just me.
Well obviously, but we need 13, imo.
I like to see 50. No more 5-4 decisions. Conservative views might get the attention they deserve. If it wasn’t possible to so blatantly stack the court with a few votes, they wouldn’t have overturned 250 years plus of gun control laws.
Make no mistake, these justices are extremist. The people who think the shit they think in law school are ostracized and called out as immature weirdos.
Every president gets 4 appointments per term. No vacated seats are ever refilled. They currently serve, on average, 28 years. Without the need for strategic retirement, we would probably end up with 32-36 people on the court.
they wouldn’t have overturned 250 years plus of gun control laws.
What 250-year-old gun control law did they overturn?
The only overturned gun control laws I know of that originated before 1773 were either repealed 232 years ago with the ratification of the 2nd amendment, or were discriminatory on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, previous condition of servitude, etc, and overturned by much earlier courts and/or legislatures.
To my knowledge, these justices overturned no laws originating earlier than 1960.
It’s not like they’re going to resign and there’s no mechanism to remove them so, uh, unless you’re advocating violence I don’t see how that’s going to work. I think we need to pack the court up to around 17 justices and get back to the business of government instead of playing activist on guns, civil rights, corporate power and abortion.
there’s no mechanism to remove them
Right, but that mechanism presupposes functional government and about half of the government doesn’t give a shit about governing, or anything other than seizing power at the moment, so that’s not going to happen.
I’m unsure what the standard is for removing Supreme Court Justices, but failing to recuse yourself from cases where you have a considerable appearance of conflict of interests should be one of them. For example, say, you took a large gift from somebody who would later be affected by one of your decisions, Clarence.
Also, there should be some automatic impeachment and removal for justices who lied under oath during their confirmation hearings. I think there is video evidence of most of the conservative justices saying that they considered Roe to be precedent, which means that they wouldn’t overturn it. That was clearly a lie.
If I lied during my job interview about something important, I would expect to be fired. And they should, too.
I’m disabled, so not me personally, but frankly when it comes to conservatives that have devoted their lives to causing as many other people to suffer as possible, yeah, I’m advocating violence.
This illegitimate court needs to be aborted.
213th trimester abortions?
Wow, the definitely not far right supreme court sure does have an unbiased and non political agenda.
Well that’s not good. sigh
At a minimum, the number of judges should at least match the number of federal districts we have
I’m holding my breath /s
Here’s hoping they do the right thing…
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Everything is all right with this Supreme Court.
Nope this is the year they dismantle everything just in time for Trump to overthrow our government. We need to impeach and remove all traitors from our government. When do we say enough is enough and bring out the Guillotines, Pitchforks, and Torches?
We aren’t organized enough to act before it’s too late 😞
Yeah hard to do that when almost half the country is begging for the dictatorship and loving the boot on their neck.
That still leaves more than half that don’t.
Yet there don’t seem to be organizations seriously preparing for the end of democracy.
I suspect it’s because anyone that was serious would be infiltrated by law enforcement.
The US has withstood vastly harder times than this. We are hardly at the ‘end of democracy’.
It’s not the 1800s anymore, everything happens a lot faster these days.
And going from “contested election” to “civil war” wouldn’t take long at all.
Almost did on January six
Glad to see they are picking up more gun cases. Various states have been blatantly disregarding court decisions on this matter.
Huh I guess if you’re gonna pick a hill to die on, why not something that can actually kill you? There is absolutely no good that will ever come from being obsessed over a tool of death …
It’s a tool millions use to put inexpensive, high-quality food on the table; a critical resource for many poor people. And, for those put in the unfortunate position to need it, it is a tool to save life.
You may not have high opinions, but many people rely on this tool on a regular basis.
I frequently go hunting with my Glock.
The Glock 35, Glock 40, and Glock 41 are all legal for hunting deer in Ohio.
(Straightwall cartridge, .357 or larger; barrel longer than 5". The “long slide” Glocks in .40 S&W, 10mm, and .45ACP all meet this criteria.)
Gun regulation doesn’t stop you having guns as tools. Educate yourself instead of spouting idiocy.
Gun control doesn’t stop. The goal is always disarmament and people believing otherwise is why it gets to happen.
Sure, that’s why it doesn’t work that way anywhere there’s gun control. Because Americans are special snowflakes.
Those other places also implemented things that actually reduce all violence like universal healthcare, workers rights, stronger welfare, maternity/paternity leave, mandatory vacation time, etc.
Places like the UK have lower rates of murder via martial attacks (punches, kicks, strangle, etc) yet I don’t think they have gym control limiting how strong you can be.
Happy, healthy, financially safe people don’t commit violence.
Yes, you should get those too, not ignore gun control.
Yup. Even if you’re antigun, States blatantly disregarding federal directives should concern you.