The family had been evicted recently.

    • @[email protected]
      159 months ago

      At birth babies should be working 5 jobs to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. No more handouts from mummy milkers! Bring back mandetory conscription for newborns! The market will provide, this toddler was homeless because the government is too large, and there is too much regulation!

    • SeaJ
      49 months ago

      If they want a home, they should get a job. Darn free loading toddlers.

  • @girlfreddy
    279 months ago

    District Attorney William Fitzpatrick blames the victims for the state and county’s failures.

    He can go fuck himself.

    The couple had recently been evicted from their home because of unpaid rent, Fitzpatrick said. He said while he didn’t blame the landlord for what happened, more could have been done to inform the family of housing services in the area. At the same time, county executive staff members had made arrangements for the family to stay in a hotel, he said.

    “This could have been avoided,” Fitzpatrick said. “Housing is an issue in Onondaga County, but there were options available for them short of living in that car.”

    • @[email protected]
      169 months ago

      Victim blaming, so got right now.

      there were options available for them short of living in that car.

      Yeah buddy? State them out loud. What are the options? No hand waving: what is the place to go for a homeless toddler to have a safe experience?

      Cause I can only think of 1: home.