The Trudeau government’s recently passed Online Streaming Act is moving into its next phase of regulation by requiring podcasters to register with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

The government claims the regulation will “ensure online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content.

CRTC stated that another ongoing consultation will address how podcasters and those offering video streaming services contribute to Canadian and Indigenous content.

Liberals say the bill will achieve equitable representation among gender, ethnicity, and related “marginalized” groups.

“In terms of diversity and inclusion, one of the goals of the bill is to put diverse and marginalized voices in the spotlight,” said Senator Dennis Dawson of Quebec during the third reading.”

  • sj_zero
    61 year ago

    Der fuhrer Trudeau centrally managing the internet is a good thing and he’ll shut down your bank account if you disagree!

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    content that generate $10 million or more in annual revenues

    So probably less than 1% of content creators.

    • @[email protected]M
      51 year ago

      Isn’t this aimed at the streaming platforms that host the podcasts? So like Spotify and Apple have to report on what podcasts they’re hosting, then the government puts pressure on them to improve certain metrics (by removing the “bad” podcasts).

      So creators who host that “bad” content can host their own servers etc, but that makes their content less discoverable and makes hosting more expensive.

  • Nerd02
    31 year ago

    Is content control what this is really about? Sounds like a measure to tax them, more than anything else.

  • @spacecowboy
    11 year ago

    This is disingenuous and misleading. This legislation is aimed at what is essentially “big business” as it pertains to podcasts. Your favourite little podcast is not changing, relax.