• Krydex
    9 months ago

    I know this is just a meme and all but I don’t think that holding the opinion stated in the title of this post is going to do anyone any better. Yes, there are some dumbasses who you shouldn’t engage with but saying this about the entire ‘right’ will lead to nothing but further polarisation of opinions in the community, which I think everyone can agree is not a good outcome.

    • @[email protected]
      209 months ago

      Someone once told me „you can agree with the observation but disagree with the conclusions drawn from them“.

      • @Gorilladrums
        39 months ago

        Disagreements are good, being close minded isn’t

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Mark Twain once said · “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.". Unfortunatly, I think we’ve reach a point where discussions is mostly useless. Recently, I had a discussion with someone trying to convince me that most young adults are now trans (lol). I told him I teach at college and Univ level, and have not yet seen a single trans person, over the hundred of young adults I had in my classes. I had to cut the conversation short after 10 minutes of him explaining to me why I’m wrong because he watch dozens of yt video that confirms he is right, even if he never step foot in a university.

    • Mario_Dies.wav
      59 months ago

      I disagree. It’s best that we systemically and socially deplatform and disenfranchise the right. They have no place in a conversation that’s interested in progress and human rights, and they only seek to derail such conversations.

      The only effective tool against fascists is exclusion.

      • zazaserty
        9 months ago

        I understand where you are coming from. It is true that there is a pretty vocal and decently sized part of the right which became completely fascist and extremist. However I believe, as a person that has opinions from around the whole spectrum, that not all of them are like that. We should try to get along with the ones that are still sane. There are also people of the left that went haywire, but that doesn’t mean we should generalize. The right has an extremely big issue, you are right, I just don’t think this will help. It’ll actually contribute to fascists being able to propagate the hate against the left. I wouldn’t say I identify with the version of the right we know today completely, but I certainly could be considered to be in that part of the spectrum. I consider myself to be respectful of other views, as long as they are not extremist or mean to hurt others. That is why it hurts me to see what some are doing to the word “right” with their Nazi ideologies. I would like to finish off clarifying that I am not one of those extremist conservatives or however you wanna call them, and that I’m writing this with the best of intentions possible. Lemmy is a great platform, way more tolerant than reddit, but sometimes its users make mistakes like these and fall into the trap of fascists. This is just my opinion, and I will be happy to hear other points of view.

        • @[email protected]
          -29 months ago

          The right has only 2 sorts. The people who would end democracy and usher in a dark age of fascism and violence and those who would empower them. The ones that seem sane are also your enemies just less obviously offensive. They wont stab you themselves but they will hold you down for the fellow that will.

    • Franzia
      19 months ago

      Okay, find me a right winger who would vote against capital. I know there are some Republicans who would unionize, some who might even appreciate a few regulations. Certainly many who have a bit of compassion for the homeless. I don’t know that I’ve met a right winger who questions the power of people who have money. That there is a ‘job creator’.

  • @[email protected]
    239 months ago

    Wait, I thought that drag queens and school teachers had all my money? Didnt they merged with Antifa, after the fake january 6 far-left rally? Or was it the environnementalists and the Bill Gates fondation?

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Oh fuck. I’ve been yelling at what I can only assume is a sexy man in women’s clothing for the past ten minutes accusing them of taking my money and it’s been that dude all along?

      Scuse me while I work together a sexy apology. For the accusations. And the more they are yelling back, and showing me the empty space where a penis should be … I don’t think they stole my money at all

  • HeartyBeast
    199 months ago

    “Please make sure people on open forums are free to spread their hateful views unopposed”.


    • @Gorilladrums
      09 months ago

      I’m all in favor of censoring you.

      Not because you said anything, just because I plain don’t like you.

    • Björn Tantau
      -19 months ago

      Because it’s one of the few true ones? The media and politicians trump up fears of immigrants and poor people while downplaying or ignoring tax evasion, both legal and illegal.

      OP’s solution would be getting rid of capital all together and becoming best buds with China and Russia, as shown by other posts. But that is not expressed here.

      Ironically, becoming best buds with Russia is something the Left and the Right agree on. At least in Germany.

      • newIdentity
        129 months ago

        Ironically, becoming best buds with Russia is something the Left and the Right agree on. At least in Germany.

        Bruh. You’re just talking about Die Linke and the AFD. Nobody else agrees with it. They actually have pretty similar values, but they wouldn’t collaborate out of principal.

  • @[email protected]
    99 months ago

    Everything is worthy of discussion. This posts screams closed-minded, polarized to hell and somewhat brainwashed person.

    • Mario_Dies.wav
      99 months ago

      Right wing talking points are not worthy of discussion. There’s no point in engaging with people who (for example) believe that trans people are not valid and support fascist agencies like ICE.

      • darcy
        -19 months ago

        sorry youre right. i forgot about this concept, please mention it in every single discussion you advocate censorship (because the other side is just SO crazy)

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          Moderating those who tolerate intolerance isn’t censorship, and it’s not because they’re crazy. Evidently you have forgotten it.

  • Queen HawlSera
    09 months ago

    Remember, we are well past the point where we just “need to talk it out and compromise”

    The right are an active threat to the country.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      The left: the right are an active threat to the country
      The right: the left are an active threrat to the country

      • Queen HawlSera
        19 months ago

        Doesn’t really pan out when one demonstratably is… heck the GOP’s main guy is in big for 91 felonies

  • @[email protected]
    -89 months ago

    How can the left not link immigration with the reserve army of labor?

    The right thinks that limiting immigration removes the surplus. The left knows that there will always be a surplus but they attack the right on refusing immigration instead of first explaining the reason for the surplus.

    • @[email protected]
      59 months ago

      Because we’ve already explained to them that the king has the overwhelming majority of surplus and they’re pretending to be too stupid to understand, as an attempt at plausible deniability for racist motives.

      • @[email protected]
        -19 months ago

        You told them or you explained and developed a plan? This is all hypothetical, because immigration also creates jobs, but to somebody threatened with losing their job, it doesn’t help that they know that the king is to be blamed.

        My assumption is that they believe that a unified society can change the decisions of the king. How do you convince them that the immigrants are on their side?

        BTW, it doesn’t matter that the king has the majority of surplus. The problem is that he doesn’t use it to employ everybody.

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          The creation of jobs is just the tip of the iceberg; fascists are completely delusional. These aren’t smart people who were reasoned into their position. The only way to change their minds is to redirect the social pressure that brought them there.

          • @[email protected]
            49 months ago

            Not every person of the right is a fascist.

            Of course, changing the mind of a non-dillusional person is already hard enough.

            The creation of jobs is everything. If your life stops being a competition for survival, people outside your social ingroup stop being existential threats.

            • @[email protected]
              -39 months ago

              Being right-wing has evolved pretty much into straight fascism these days. There is no real middle ground for moderates anymore.

              • @[email protected]
                29 months ago

                Could you elaborate, please? I have the impression that calling somebody a fascist is used inflationary.

                • Dieguito 🦝
                  29 months ago

                  Nonsensical accusations can not be elaborated. When real totalitarianism will arrive nobody will listen to their cries of help because they’ve been screaming for decades.