Who cares what Peter Molyneux has to say? The man is two decades past his prime. At this point most of his ground-breaking titles are old enough to have kids who can vote. Seriously, what has this guy done in the past 20 years? Soak fans for £500k on a Kickstarter that’s still in beta almost 10 years later, shilled NFTs, and let his mouth write so, so many checks that his ass can’t cash.
I have a feeling this article only exists to harvest outrage clicks. I doubt there’s anyone left who sees Molyneux as anything more than the washed-up snake oil salesman that he is.
Yeahhh, you’re probably right. But on the plus side, at least I vented my spleen here and didn’t give them any engagement.
A goal for Ouya, a quote from Notch… clearly this was in a different era :p