The best tools, methods and resources I’ve found to use all your brain’s potential:

1. Memory Palaces

Memory is most powerful for visual & spatial information You basically visualize a place you know well, like your house, and then “place” new info in different rooms. So, when you need to recall it, you just take a mental walk through your palace. It’s a bit of a grind to set up, but once it’s there, it’s like a superpower.

There aren’t a lot of apps or tools for this method, but you can start with a Youtube video called “5 Steps to Remember Things With a Memory Palace” and then the post "How to Build a Memory Palace” from Art of memory

2. Spaced Repetition Apps

It’s like doing mental push-ups and you only need to allocate 5 minutes per day. These app keeps throwing and repeating info at you, but in a way that’s optimized for long-term retention. I’ve been using Anki and Savealll, and they’re pretty dope. Also, check the Youtube video “The Most Important Study Technique I Use as a Medical Student

3. Mnemonics

These are your quick and dirty memory hacks. There are different types, but my go-to is making up acronyms for lists I need to remember. It’s like creating mental shortcuts, and it’s pretty fun once you get the hang of it.

4. Learning Resources, YouTubers and coaches

If you’re really looking to level up, there’s a ton of stuff out there. I’ve there is a free course in coursera called “Learning How to Learn.” Also, YouTubers like Ali Abdaal and Justin Sung are dropping some serious knowledge bombs.

If you’re into reading, the book “Make it Stick” is a game-changer. And If you prefer coaching apps you can try WaveAI.

If you got some other brain hacks, let me know!