
Are you feeling uninspired, lost, and dependent on food or shopping for fleeting moments of dopamine-induced contentment? If so, I have navigated through that path before, and here’s my 3-strike method to regain passion and curb dopamine dependency.

  1. Mindful consumption: We all resort to comforts like shopping and binge eating when we feel lost, but acknowledging this fact is the first step. Every time you reach for a cookie or feel the urge to buy a new item, pause and ask yourself: “Am I doing this to fill a void or cause I genuinely want to?” Over time, this mindful check-in can help you curb impulsive decisions.

  2. Journaling: I can’t stress the importance of this enough. Be it a physical diary or a digital note on your phone, pen down your thoughts whenever you feel overwhelmed. This acts as an emotional outlet and helps unravel your true feelings, your fears, and your aspirations.

  3. Pick up a hobby: Rather than striving for instant gratification, focus on building a lifelong passion. Start with something small, a hobby you always wanted to try or a skill you wanted to learn. It may not make you happy instantly, but it will provide a lasting sense of achievement.

Remember, it’s okay to feel lost. It’s okay to stumble. But as long as you’re willing to get back up, every mistake becomes a stepping stone towards a disciplined and passionate life. Let’s start small, let’s start today. Comment below your thoughts or tips to regain discipline in life!