
In our journey towards self-betterment, consistency, and ultimate success, we often seek innovative methods to boost our disciplines. After spending significant time with software engineers and understanding their unique way of handling work, I have discovered a potentially transformative approach applicable to every other field — the principles of tech debt and maintenance costs.

Tech debt, in software engineering parlance, refers to the cumulative effect of shortcuts or expeditious solutions. These quick fixes eventually contribute to the overall complexity of the system, necessitating more dedicated efforts to resolve or refactor them down the line. Similarly, in our life, we often resort to quick fixes — procrastinating important tasks or cutting corners to achieve immediate results. However, like tech debt, these actions compound over time, burdening us with unresolved issues later.

Maintenance costs represent the resources required to optimize a system continuously. It parallels the continued efforts or practices we must sustain to stay in shape, maintain our GPA, or prevent our work projects from falling behind.

It’s necessary to acknowledge these aspects in our life. Allowing tech debt or shortcuts to accumulate can lead to overwhelming problems in the future. Also, neglecting maintenance costs or consistent self-discipline could push us downhill faster than we can recover. By drawing lessons from the software engineering field, we can develop a perspective that aids in a disciplined approach towards our tasks.

We need to balance our short-term actions and long-term impacts astutely, continuously reflecting on the tech debts and maintenance costs of our decisions, actions, and habits. Through this disciplined approach, we can reduce feelings of overwhelming pressure, increase our productivity, and drive improvements in our personal and professional lives.

Remember, discipline is likely to be inconsistent at times, and it’s perfectly okay. All we need is a systematic approach to manage these inconsistencies without allowing them to derail our ultimate purpose.

Avoid accruing tech debt and ensure consistent maintenance. Here’s to a better disciplined and more productive life! I welcome your inputs and experiences in adopting this approach. After all, we’re all in this journey together.