Hello Swedish friends! I hope you’re all well (:

So, I’m a young Portuguese guy and I was wondering what Swedes should think of Portugal and the Portuguese. I did some research, but found almost nothing. So I decided to ask here.

I’m very curious to hear your answers! (:

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The original was posted on /r/sweden by /u/mikke_and_i at 2023-10-05 15:50:26+00:00.

  • Dannebot@leddit.danmark.partyOPMB
    1 year ago

    Long_Serpent at 2023-10-06 07:10:37+00:00 ID: k3oy8av

    Apart from football, we don’t think about it very much.

    Points for progressive drug policies, though.

    Not too many of my friends and family have been there, but those who did visit really liked it.