Ranked is still not unlocked for me, need 100 hours for it, but unranked is hell …

Players leaving, 60v10 matches, faceless voids with refresher orb and multiple divine rapiers… How did you even got the mood to play after this?

90% of the games are one side destroying the other, and these games isnt fun for either side

  • madception
    2 years ago

    Dota is the game where you need to understand everything is revolved around position and timing, just like soccer/football and basketball.

    Play with Bot first as cores, then try to avoid enemy and farming items, then do pickoff one enemy. Then, learn how to play as support; understand ward, dust, smoke, rune timings; then try to support your unranked games to understand gameflow better.

  • Fassmacher@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I typically like playing unranked, but (as a solo player) it’s the parties that drove me over the edge. Only ranked has strict-solo matchmaking, so here I am.

    So many games I would be matched with a 3-4 stack who doesn’t say anything or mark the map, wait for me to mark safe lane and pick CM or something and then picks two supports…

    Like, it’s unranked so have fun, but in those games it’s like a 5% chance to win. Not very fun for either team.