I believe it is extremely important to have an archive of monero’s source Incase something bad happens.

You can not call yourself a privacy project and rely on githubs good will!

That is why I have made this fundraiser to help me cover the electrity and maintenance costs for one year of (self)hosting. I hope you guys can understand how important this is and help me cover those costs by sending any amount of monero to the fundraising address.

  • MoneroMarvin@monero.town
    1 year ago

    Git is decentralised already

    Just clone the monero repos to your PC and update your local copies with a git pull every now and then. With enough people doing so, the monero source will easily survive any hostilities from GH/M$/governments. If something happens, any of these git clones can used to “resurrect” a new main repository at a new host.

    I am pretty sure most of the devs already have a local working copy of the repo on their PC.

    So to be honest, I don’t think your fundraiser is needed… but good luck anyway.