• Mohkia
    51 year ago

    I would have hundreds of these if I had a printer. My hubby is thinking about one for his drine stuff while I’m secretly plotting to make pots for all my plants. Love the planters! Super cute.

    • @WilshireOP
      11 year ago

      Thanks! I wish I had bought one a long time ago, but they’re sooo much cheaper now. Planters are my favorite thing to print.

  • Classy
    41 year ago

    Nice K. diagremontiana! Mine grew so damn big I had to chop its head off.

    Yes I did a bit of color correcting, it was for a joke about Etsy posts and I can’t find the original now

    • @WilshireOP
      11 year ago

      I found them on the roadside in Florida growing like a weed, and ofc I took one home.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    The effect off the blue walls is intriguing, not to be a geek but was this a setting in your slicer or a printer limitation? Just wondering because it really looks very cool like a woven effect I dig that!!

    On a side note: God mobile Thingiverse is still awful. Shame what that site has become, no wonder printables now has an import tool.

    • @WilshireOP
      21 year ago

      I added fuzzy skin in PrusaSlicer, but the walls were too thin and I used 0% infill. They drain really well!

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    For anyone thinking of doing similar, you can get pretty sturdy planters/pots/vases using vase mode but with really thick extrusions, like in PrusaSlicer setting the extrusion width to something like 0.8mm (using .4mm nozzle). Takes a lot of the fragility and flexing out of vase-mode prints, and it’s surprising how thick extrusions you can make with a regular .4 nozzle.

    • @WilshireOP
      11 year ago

      It’s a close relative. I do have some mother or millions, even where I don’t want it. 😅

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Looks pretty! I dig the cactus one at the right. The next one could be a mario pipe, don’t you think?

    • @WilshireOP
      41 year ago

      You know what… I could use some venus fly traps.