Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says he has ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip, as Israel fights the Hamas terror group.

“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant says following an assessment at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheba.

We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he adds.

  • @Hanabie
    789 months ago

    “human animals”… reminiscent of “Untermenschen”.

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      Where did you get your info from?

      Mahmoud Abbas, president of Palestine and head of Fatah, was the one to suspend both legislative and presidential elections and not Hamas. In fact, the latter “strongly opposed the decision to call off elections” (

      Abbas’ party has been working closely with the Israeli authorities. His excuse was that “Israel refused to commit to allowing Palestinians to vote in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem” (

      Some (quite convincingly) hypothesise that the suspension of the elections was aimed at preserving his presidency and salvage “his fractured Fatah party [which] was expected to suffer another embarrassing defeat to Hamas.” (

      How can one expect the people to not fight if democracy can’t be exercised freely?

    • @[email protected]
      09 months ago

      It seems likely Israel will succeed in clearing the West Bank

      The West Bank and the Gaza Strip are different areas. Hamas doesn’t control the West Bank, so what are you on about?

  • @[email protected]
    369 months ago

    Fuck you, you piece of shit, the blood of thousands of innocent souls is on your useless fascistic hands. I hope you get what you deserve, you pathetic disgrace of a human. Signed, an Israeli citizen.

  • Ooops
    9 months ago

    Yeah, more death and misery for civilians. That will totally show the people why not to support the only ones fighting for them, even if it’s a fucking terrorist group like Hamas. Just like Dehousing worked against Germany in WW2, shooting Ukrainian schools and kindergardens works in Ukraine today, and more than a dozen similiar examples in between those two totally worked…

  • @[email protected]
    79 months ago

    You’d imagine that support for revolutionaries seeking self-determination would be stronger in the West given the origins of the modern American and French state.