I went to the Appalachian mountains. I left 2 days ago. Just now, I found a tic in a crevice of my ear. It was alive, but wasn’t full of blood. It was still thin. I also don’t feel any bite marks.

I don’t know much about tics or Lyme’s disease. Is there anything I should do or watch out for?

  • kungfu4@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Assuming you pulled the tick out properly and didn’t leave the head or mouth parts in there, pay attention for symptoms and not sure how it will manifest on the ear but typically a red ring around the bite indicates something you might want to take antibiotics for. The type of tick matters too, Lone Star Tick will give you STARRI but if you were in the mountains it was probably a deer tick which you’ll want to watch out for Lyme disease with. Fever is a common symptom.