I was quite impressed with the Dach/Slafkoský/Newhook line, and I think they deserve a fair shot together. Sure their defensive play needs to be tightened, but I think this could be something interesting.

What do you guys think?

  • MajorMajormajormajor@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I thought Matheson and Kovacevic had good games, but I didn’t really see much from Savard and Guhle. Which is surprising because Guhle normally puts on a pretty good show. Or maybe wifi just stole all the spotlight that I didn’t notice the rest of the defense.

    It seemed a bit odd to have the pairings like that. You’d think they would pair older and younger d together to combine experience and energy. Having Matheson and Savard seems like the old man line.

    What about you?

    • HydroRavenOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I thought it was strange to pair Matheson and Savard together; not sure they should stay together for too long, but I can’t say they worked poorly together. But then again, it’s the first game of the season, so I might get proven wrong.

      I think Guhle benefits from a mobile partner in general, but I am not convinced Kovacevic is the right person for him. We’ll have to wait and see.