Shin Megami Tensei is a long-running series, though the games are all standalone (think Final Fantasy). I think SMT VI came out in the last 2 years, if you wanted to give it a try.
For a brief idea of it, it’s about convincing demons and spirits to join up with you as you move through some sort of post-apocalyptic world. You then end up fusing various spirits together in order to become stronger.
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Shin Megami Tensei is a long-running series, though the games are all standalone (think Final Fantasy). I think SMT VI came out in the last 2 years, if you wanted to give it a try.
For a brief idea of it, it’s about convincing demons and spirits to join up with you as you move through some sort of post-apocalyptic world. You then end up fusing various spirits together in order to become stronger.
It’s a series, not a single game. Look at the newest one.