avoid stain, water, and oil repellent.
Many people need to use this on products so they last longer.
Like, is it worse to use this stuff on a tent for years, or to replace a (nearly all synthetic material) tent every year instead? Same with shoes or certain outdoor gear.
For years I’ve used non-stick cookware.
I found finally found a light enough cast iron egg pan. Alas, wife doesn’t GAF and still uses the old aluminium non-stick frying pan.
There’s lots of non stick pans that don’t use PFAS nowadays
And you believe it?
What’s the alternative?
This guide would be cooler if I could read it.
Something went wrong, the image is blurry as hell
not blurry for me
Odd, I even opened the post in my browser in case it was an app issue and still got the blurred image. Guess Sync uses, and therefore sends, the wrong link to the post